How It Works
Happy Couponer was designed to be an easy to use website and a great experience. At, our team hand cuts coupons from newspapers all over the country, giving you access to national coupons from great brands. All you need to do is redeem your certificate, tell us which coupons you'd like, and we'll clip them and send them to you.
Here's How it Works:
- Visit our Redemption Page.
- Enter your 9 digit Redemption CODE and your 4 digit PIN, and the security code shown on the screen.
- This will take you to the Redemption Center.
- Here you can browse from a large variety of coupon categories.
- Choose the coupons and quantities you'd like.
- When you've finished selecting your coupons, click on "Click to Checkout".
- Next, enter the address that you want us to send them to. A confirmation page will then be displayed.
- Print this page and mail it to us along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
- Your coupons should arrive in 3-5 days. All you have to do now is take them to the store and save!
Still have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section for more information.